Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
We all feel overwhelmed now and again. Whether you are a mother, wife, entrepreneur, student, work a 9 to 5, or you stay at home – each lifestyle comes with it’s own degree of stress.
For me, personally, I am a wife and mother of five children. One of whom has high needs. I homeschool two of my children and so I am currently at home with them during the week.
Finding time for myself most days feels impossible. I have learned some wonderful strategies to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and I am excited to share them with you.
2. Practice Gratitude. This can be done in many creative ways. I know how hard it can be in the moment when you are feeling overwhelmed to look around you and mention anything positive. So an idea is that you can wake up each morning and start your day with gratitude by making a list of things you are grateful for. Starting your every day like this is sure to give you a good start every morning. Did you also know that gratitude increases ones empathy?
3. Journaling. Now is a good time to go ahead and throw in journaling/writing. What better way to improve your own self-awareness by giving yourself the time and space to explore and express ones emotions? Other benefits include stress and anxiety reduction, increased emotional resilience, better memory and enhanced communication and goal-setting skills. Sounds like it’s time to run up to the store to find a super-cute journal and get started!
4. Nourishment. Feed yourself something that is good for your body and mind. Make healthy choices. Our every cell, tissue, and organ rely on a steady supply of nutrients for optimal function. Another good way to be good to you is to be good to your body. Make healthy choices and stay hydrated.
5. Prioritize yourself. Have you heard the saying that “You cannot care well for others if you are not caring well for you”? Well, it is true. When there is an emergency on an airplane, they tell you to first put on your own oxygen mask before helping others, otherwise you are no good to them. It’s the same here on the ground. Be kind to yourself and others will thank you for it.
6. Go for a bike ride. Remember when you were a kid and you would wake up on Saturday morning and then right after cartoons you would run outside, grab your bike and go as fast as you could down the street? We are still entitled to that same freedom as adults. Riding a bike isn’t a childish thing. It is, however, a wonderful way to bring back those feelings of freedom and joy with the wind blowing through your hair. Riding a bike also reduces the risk of developing heart disease and increases muscle strength and flexibility.
7. Start an exercise regime. Regular exercise is proven to have endless benefits that I am sure you are at the very least moderately aware of. However, did you know that when you are in a funk and you decide to exercise in that moment for at least 20 minutes that your body will release endorphins? Endorphins are natural mood boosters and pain relievers. One of the best times to get up and move is when you least feel like it. Trust me, it will change the way you feel within minutes!
8. Set boundaries. Often when we are feeling overwhelmed, it is because we feel like we are being pulled in a million directions all at once. A healthy exercise to practice is setting boundaries for yourself. This goes back to prioritizing yourself. You aren’t any good to anyone without your oxygen mask on. Your mental health is your responsibility. You aren’t being selfish. You are practicing being your own best friend – first! Set boundaries and stick to them.
9. Dance. I have heard the saying “Dance like nobody’s watching” but I like to go by the mantra “Dance like everyone is watching and you don’t care”. How much more freeing is that? Dance alone or go somewhere and dance. But do it and don’t care what anyone is thinking. Dancing is for you.
10. Reduce expectations. Especially unrealistic ones. Like, for instance, that you and everything has to go “just so” and “be perfect”. Because, let’s be honest – perfection is only what you think it to be. Reducing your expectations can lead to a greater sense of peace, reduced disappointment and increased contentment. You will be less likely to feel let down when things do not go as you had planned. Being flexible and adaptable is much more fun, anyways.
11. Start a new hobby or pick back up an old one. What is that one thing you used to do that brought you so much happiness and fulfillment? Why did you stop it? What is that thing you keep telling yourself you are going to start, some day? Well, today is the day and the time is now. Remember, prioritize yourself. You can thank you later.
12. Seek support. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There is always someone out there that will take the time to listen and help if you need it. Family, friends and community. If you don’t have anyone then reach out to a professional. There are tons of support groups across the nation. A little research in this area goes a long way. You are important and you are needed.
13. Join a local Women’s Group, Mom’s Group, etc. To further push number 12 above, there are so many local organizations and groups everywhere. And if there isn’t one then it sounds like one is needed. Don’t be afraid to start a group because I promise you that there are others out there that feel the same way and you would all make great friends. Go to your local library and see if you can use the space to hold the get-togethers. You can pave the way for others looking for community, just like you.
14. Make Plans/Goals. Just the small act of making plans to do something new gives us hope and fills us with excitement. When you set goals, you are giving yourself something to look forward to – something to accomplish. We all need a sense of accomplishment. It’s never time to settle. There is always something new to do, to see, and to learn.
15. Educate yourself. It’s never too late to learn something new! In the world we live in today, we are so incredibly blessed with a million ways to research and learn new things. There are Podcasts and YouTube University and books (yes, there are still books out there). I recently just learned how to sew by watching a couple YouTube tutorials. This is something I have been wanting to learn for ever. You can learn anything, these days at the click of a mouse and few strokes of a keyboard. You can even just use your phone! Learn something new today and you will have a great and deep sense of accomplishment.
16. Take a long, hot bath. For me, this is ESSENTIAL. If you can do it daily, do it. I have three levels of bath-time. There is the “I am going to wash up real quick bath” where it is NOT hair washing night. I tie my hair up and simply wash up but I do allow myself the time to relax a little and either listen to music, a podcast or watch videos to unwind. The second one is “hair washing night but also I need to soak a little bit”. This one is just what it sounds like. But the third is my personal favorite. I call this little pearl the “Yes, Queen” bath night. (Haha!) This is the – it is hair washing night, I am going to shave everywhere and soak whilst watching my videos, music podcasts, etc. I make sure to have a “Yes, Queen” bath time at least once weekly. Long hot baths offer many benefits including muscle relaxation, stress relief (hello), improved circulation and even burns calories (hello, hello). Say yes to yourself with the “Yes, Queen. Routine.” (Yes, that eloquently rhymes).
17. Meditate. I had to learn how to meditate. I know. That sounds so silly. But, I felt silly and thought I was “doing it wrong”. Turned out, I was just being silly…. Anyways, if you feel silly just turn to YouTube or get a meditation book from the library like I did. Meditation has numerous benefits including reduces stress and anxiety, improves mood and emotional regulation, decreases symptoms of depression and PTSD, enhances focus, concentration and attention, and much more. It also slows down the aging process and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.
18. Spend time outside in the sun. We all know that spending too much time in the sun can age our skin and give us a bad sunburn. But spending at least 15 minutes in direct sunlight is linked to better sleep, stronger bones and boosts immunity. The most marvelous thing I find fascinating about sunlight exposure is how it is the number one source of vitamin D. It also reduces depression and boosts your mood. If you are feeling down, get some sunshine.
19. Grounding. While you are outside getting that sunlight, be sure to take your socks and shoes off. Grounding, also known as earthing, is connecting the body to the Earth’s surface through physical contact. Some potential health benefits include reducing inflammation, improving blood flow, enhanced sleep, reduces stress and anxiety and more. While more studies are needed to confirm these benefits, I can tell you that I always feel better when I am connected to our beautiful Earth home. There is just something about feeling grass and dirt under your feet.
20. Knowledge of the five C’s of mental health. Connection, Compassion, Coping, Community, and Care. The five C’s provide a way that is well structured and helpful to have well-being and resilience a part of our everyday routine. They form the base of mental and emotional health. These are a good reminder to us in times of overwhelm to switch our focus on what we can and should control within our own personal space.
21. Acknowledge and celebrate all of your accomplishments – no matter how big or small. This one is pretty self explanatory. Just remember that you are the only person on Earth that has the responsibility of taking care of you. You cannot depend on outside sources to fill your cup. Acknowledge yourself and celebrate every accomplishment you do and have done. You should be your own raving fan.
Please, let me know in the comments how this has helped you.